Monday, June 28, 2010

From "Shit My Dad Says"

Words to live by...

"Don’t focus on the one guy who hates you. You don’t go to the park and set your picnic down next to the only pile of dog shit."

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It's okay to think BIG.

I've been feeling a little frustrated lately especially where work is concerned, but instead of being Debbie Downer, I'm not going to complain here.

What I want to do is share a thought that occurred to me when I received an email from a friend. She sent one of those funny pet pic emails that I love no matter how many times I've seen the same photos.

Low and behold, there was one that is new to me and I found it inspiring. It's okay to think BIG. It doesn't hurt anything... even if your idea goes nowhere. If it makes you happy to be creative, innovative... think BIG just for the sake of doing it!

Thanks for serving up my inspiration today EmKay - here's to the dog with the flume log.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Fashionable Fruit

Pardon me. My apple is chilly. I need to get her sweater.

Compliments of the talent knitter behind the Handamade Etsy Shop.

Bird. Word.

Sustained writer's block...